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    How Important is Offline Access, Anyway?

    In today's world, you're never too far from an internet connection. In developed countries, broadband access is available in more places than ever, and even poorer countries have internet cafes sprouting up left and right. Modern web workers and business travelers even take extra precautions to maintain always-on connectivity -...

  • Entertainment
    Pitchfork.tv Launches Music Video Site to Challenge MySpace Music

    Are the Pixies, Negativeland and early Radiohead what you consider classic music? Wether or not that's the case, you may want to check out the new Pitchfork.tv - a new music video site that just launched today. The next stage in the evolution of popular niche music blog PitchforkMedia.com, Pitchfork.tv...

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    Jive Brings Consumer-Style Coolness to the Enterprise

    Portland, Oregon's Jive Software is launching version 2.0 of its year-old enterprise collaboration suite called Clearspace tonight and it looks like a lot of fun to use.The service takes on Microsoft's Sharepoint with a feature set that looks like something many consumer software users would be envious of. USAToday recently...

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    Office Live Workspace: Will Microsoft’s “Bridging” Strategy Work?

    The latest ReadWriteTalk podcast is up and it's a chat with Eric Gilmore, Senior Product Manager for Office Live at Microsoft. In particular Eric talks about Office Live Workspace, a free web-based extension of Microsoft Office that lets you access your documents online and share your work with others. Our...

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    Facebook Launches Chat

    As expected, Facebook announced that they will be launching Facebook Chat this week. The announcement, made via a post on The Facebook Blog, says that the rollout will be slow, but, unlike MySpaceIM, there won't be anything for you to install when it arrives in your profile - you'll just...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 31 Mar – 4 Apr 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. This week we brought you 'The Definitive List of the Top Twitter Clients', we explained why Seesmic + Twhirl is a Vision of the Web's Future, we analysed the latest developments in MySpace music and Flickr,...

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    Breaking the Techmeme Habit

    Techmeme is a great place to stay up-to-date with the current tech news in the blogosphere, showing the most popular and current news items of the day. The site also offers a Leaderboard section which features the current top 100 bloggers and news sources. However, Techmeme is often under fire...

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    PopURLs is on Fire

    Single page aggregator PopURLs may be a few years old, but this side project of Austrian entrepreneur Thomas Marban just keeps getting cooler. Now Marban has partnered with Intel to create one of the most interesting ad campaigns I've seen in awhile, Blue.PopURLs.com. The site is a single page aggregator...

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    Silverlight Timetable: 2.0 Coming This Summer

    Eagle-eyed ZDNet blogger Mary Jo Foley spotted a "rough timetable" for upcoming releases of Microsoft's Flash-killer Silverlight (check out ReadWriteWeb's previous coverage here, here, and here). The timetable pegs the full release for Silverlight 2.0 to come sometime over the summer. It comes via a FAQ posted on the MSDN...

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    Who Says Print is Dead? Local Blog Finds Success Offline

    Even though recent studies have shown that more people are consuming information online, there is something to be said for the printed word. And at the local level, at least, some publishers are finding a thriving market for printed information, especially when it has a strong tie-in with an online...

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    Picollator Image Recognition Search

    There are a bunch of companies trying to figure out how to get a machine to be correctly identify images just by looking at them. We've profiled a bunch on ReadWriteWeb before: Eyealike, Mugr, Riya/Like, and Pixsta. Generally the tech demos for these visual search technologies fall into two categories:...

  • Web
    The Photo Stream – Delivering the News with Pictures

    At its best, The Photo Stream can be considered a boredom buster or time waster, but it is an interesting one. The site delivers the news, not via splashy headlines, but by a stream of...you guessed it...photos. Clicking on a photo in the stream takes you to the story's web...

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    Dimdim’s No Duh, Recession-Proof Proposition

    Uh-oh, it's budget time and pennies are tight. Lets see what can we cut? The Expresso machine or the Starbucks expense account? Howls of protest and a sure-fire productivity killer. What about our Webex/GoToMeeting bills? No, way we need that for sales. What if we switch to Dimdim, a freemium,...

  • Web
    Seesmic + Twhirl is a Vision of the Web’s Future

    Loic Le Meur's video chat service Seesmic is announcing tonight that it has acquired leading 3rd party Twitter client Twhirl. Seesmic is still in closed Alpha status right now - though we have invites if you'd like them: email [email protected] with the word Seesmic in the subject line and we'll...

  • Web
    Love it or Hate It: Penguin’s Putting Books on Twitter and Google Maps

    British book publishing giant Penguin is carrying out an experiment that takes six books from six different authors and distributes them through new media channels over six weeks. Called We Tell Stories, some people say the campaign is pure evil and others are hailing it as a sign of the...

  • Web
    Trendrr Makes Data Mashups A Breeze

    In our quest to provide comprehensive analysis of tech industry trends, most technology bloggers have become statistics junkies. To see what's popular we often rely on a bevy of metrics -- Google Trends, Technorati posts, Nielsen Buzzmetrics, Compete stats, Facebook friends, etc. The list goes on and on. But comparing...

  • Web
    How to Enjoy Craigslist’s New Blog, Born Without an RSS Feed

    When they say Craigslist is simple, it really is remarkably simple. The company finally launched an official blog and it's every bit as functionally pared down as the rest of the site. Maybe even more so - there's no way to subscribe. What's a blog without subscription? A blog that...

  • Social
    MySpace Pushing New Apps Hard

    After watching from the sidelines for almost a year while rival Facebook had praise heaped upon it by the press for the success of their application platform, it is no wonder that MySpace would be pushing its recently released developer platform hard. It has been just about 3 weeks since...

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    Study: There is No Tipping Point, Blog Readers Are Skeptical

    A new study by Canadian research firm Pollara has surfaced data indicating that Malcolm Gladwell's popular theory about key influencers moving markets may not be valid. Gladwell's arguments in the 2000 book The Tipping Point had reached levels of cliche approaching The Wisdom of Crowds, in large part because of...

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    Your Facebook Profile Isn’t Really “You”

    A recent study at the University of Texas shows that you might not know your online friends quite as well as you think you do. The study, which utilized a Facebook getting-to-know-you type application, "You Just Get Me," showed that the typical information posted on social networking sites, like favorite...

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