Results for "epic games"

We found 366 results for your search.
  • Web
    Teens Love YouTube Superstars, But Advertisers Aren’t Biting—Yet

    When YouTube kicked off its creator marketing campaign in May, the Google-owned video site hoped to attract new viewers. More than that, YouTube wanted to get advertisers keen on the site's homegrown stars. It was the site's way of saying, "Hey! Look at our stars, aren’t they just primed and perfect...

  • Social
    America Kickstarts The Potato Salad We Deserve

    An Ohio man seeking $10 to fund his first attempt at potato salad has received more than $40,ooo in pledges via the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, prompting the deepest and most wrenching national soul-searching since the launch of Sputnik.What kind of country are we? What kind of people would fund a...

  • Entertainment
    What Real Women In Tech Look Like

    The epicenter of the technology industry in northern California is more visible than ever, with Newsweek profiling venture capitalists and HBO running “Silicon Valley,” a fictional series that was just picked up for a second season.What these representations of Silicon Valley lack are women. And it's a longstanding problem: From sitcoms...

  • Entertainment
    Forget PS4 Vs. Xbox One—The Console Wars Have Barely Begun

    Seriously, enough with the hyperbolic console wars headlines, sales numbers and soothsaying. Unlike almost every other category of hot new thing, game consoles are all about building and sustaining sales. See also: 5 Things You Didn't Know About Pro GamingThe console generation led by the PS3 and Xbox 360 spanned eight years...

  • Social
    Something About ‘Her’: Will Our Computers Ever Be Real Friends?

    Technology has grown increasingly personal over the years, but can it ever be a "friend" in the way we think about human friends?The movie Her, directed by Spike Jonze, envisions a future in which operating systems have evolved to learn from our behaviors and proactively look out for our best...

  • Entertainment
    A Week With Xbox One: A Powerful Reimagining Of The Way We Play

    From its new PC-friendly x86 chip architecture to a reimagined Xbox Live experience, the Xbox One has a lot going on. Heck, it even comes with a Kinect (whether you want it or not).I’ve spent a week with Microsoft’s new gaming machine and its companion entertainment eye, and these are...

  • Entertainment
    What Playing Pokemon Can Teach Adults—No, Really!

    The Pokemon franchise, a series of role-playing games with strategic elements, is a smash hit, both in its origin country of Japan and around the world. With its first simultaneous worldwide release on October 12, Pokemon X and Y (two barely dissimilar versions of the same game) sold over four million copies...

  • Mobile
    How To Get The Most Money Selling Your Old iPhone

    With a new iPhone around the corner, that iPhone 5 or 4S is starting to look a little long in the tooth. If you've got upgrade fever, you might as well squeeze every last dime out of that ancient old thing, don't you think?There are plenty of ways to sell used...

  • Entertainment
    Belowrez App Puts Your Cat in a Retro Video Game

    Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at Catster. Anyone who's ever dreamed of having her cat star in a retro video game was in luck earlier this month as the Belowrez app launched. Available on iPhone, the app turns your photos into highly pixellated 8-bit-style images—just like...

  • Entertainment
    5 Reasons Your Old Gaming Console Is Still Awesome

    It's easy to get sucked into the frenetic shiny-new-thing buying cycle—especially when it comes to gaming. Nintendo's Wii U is in the wild, and thanks to Microsoft and Sony, there's a powerful new generation of consoles right around the corner. The graphics are going to blow your mind, the games...

  • Entertainment
    The Road Home: Rebirth Of A Sony PlayStation Fangirl

    My, what a difference a generation makes.A console generation, in the case of Sony's PlayStation 4. After a well-crafted press event at E3, Sony's console has even Xbox diehards peering over the fence - and me too. It took Sony's bold offensive approach to the future of gaming to make me remember,...

  • Entertainment
    PS4 vs. Xbox One: Who Will Win The Living Room?

    The PlayStation 4 made a dramatic entrance Monday at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) — and Sony had way more tricks up its sleeve than anyone could have anticipated. With Nintendo rendered mostly irrelevant, it's a two-party fight between gaming consoles these days.(See also: The Road Home: Rebirth Of A Sony PlayStation Fangirl)So...

  • Entertainment
    Microsoft Xbox One To Launch In November, But You Won’t Like The Price

    When Microsoft jumped the gun and announced its next-generation Xbox console last month in Redmond, Wash., it left out two of the most important details — when and how much? On Monday, at its Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) keynote speech, Microsoft let the cat out of the bag: The Xbox One will grace...

  • Social
    The 5 Best Nerd Movies Ever

    These remain the post-glory days of the nerd. From Larry Ellison, island-owning-cutthroat-businessman-billionaire, to Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire-coder-CEO-visionary, the once-lowly nerd — with Silicon Valley serving as his Xanadu — is now creator of much of the world's riches, seer of the world's future, and the person to whom Presidents and hopefuls...

  • Entertainment
    The Force Was Never With LucasArts

    One hundred fifty four days after acquiring Lucasfilm — and the rights to everything Star Wars — for a cool $4 billion, Disney has shut down LucasArts, the Lucas division long responsible for making video games. The tech press had two immediate reactions to the news, both of them wrong.Some...

  • Entertainment
    Is BioShock Infinite The Last Gasp For The Triple-A “Art Game”?

    When it comes to video games, the death knell is rung loudly and frequently. In an industry so intrinsically tied to technological innovation, we won't stop hearing any time soon about what former trend or gaming mainstay has its head on the chopping block. The most recent forecast from worried gaming...

  • Web
    A Visual History Of The Web Told Through Webby Winners

    Every year, the Web changes a little bit more. As the years tick by, we may not notice how everything on the Internet is becoming a little bit more beautiful, a little easier to use. But, if you remember what the Web looked like in 1995 and now look around...

  • Entertainment
    Nvidia Finally Gets Faces Right – Until They Open Their Mouths

    Nvidia has just about pulled off the trick of rendering computer-generated human faces -- in real time -- that won't make viewers squirm. At least so long as they don't grimace. Or try to talk.The graphics chip maker Nvidia said on Tuesday that it had teamed up with the University...

  • Entertainment
    World of Warcraft Gamer Colleen Lachowicz Wins Seat In Maine State Senate

    Maine Democrat Colleen Lachowicz made gaming history twice this year:First, when she was attacked by the Republican Party last month for being a computer gamer.Second, when she won her election on Tuesday, becoming the first Senator whose gaming habits led, in part, to her victory.  Hear that, negative stereotypes about...

  • Social
    What’s Behind The Public Shaming of Reddit’s King Troll Violentacrez?

    When Gawker reporter Adrian Chen publicly outed troll and influential Reddit user Violentacrez as Michael Brutsch two weeks ago in what many are calling the "best story of the Web," he changed the nature of the Internet forever. The resulting journalist-sanctioned public shaming:1. Highlighted how ignorant the media is of...

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