Results for "epic games"

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  • Mobile
    Who Will Win the Mobile Payments Battle: Gadgets, NFC or Apps?

    As news breaks this morning about the Intuit/Mophie partnership that aims to bring a complete credit card solution to the iPhone, the focus has been how this new product - an attachment that snaps onto the bottom of the phone - competes directly with the startup Square, co-founded by Twitter's...

  • Web
    Japanese Gaming Company DeNA Announces Social Gaming Venture Fund

    DeNA, the Japanese mobile social gaming company, announced yesterday its contribution of $27.5 million towards a new venture capital fund called Incubate Fund No. 1 Limited Partnership. With its investment, DeNA holds an 83% stake in the fund.Based in Tokyo, the fund is designed to find and invest in companies...

  • Web
    iPad Owners to Go Wi-Fi Only? AT&T CEO Thinks So (POLL)

    When consumers rush out to purchase Apple's new handheld device, the slate-like computer called the iPad, they'll have several options to choose from. In addition to multiple storage capacities, iPad buyers will have to make an even more critical decision: Wi-Fi or 3G? Although Wi-Fi hotspots are in many places...

  • Mobile
    Adobe Prepares for a World without Apple’s Blessing

    Today at the Mobile World Congress 2010, Adobe announced several initiatives designed to cement their company's relevance in a world where Apple, one of the top smartphone players, has banned Adobe software from inclusion on all mobile devices including the iPhone, iPod Touch and the soon-to-launch iPad. Without Adobe's Flash...

  • Social
    Fed Up With Facebook Privacy Issues? Here’s How To End It All

    There isn't a mass exodus from Facebook over the privacy settings, but it is responding with messages like this sent to users to assuage their fears: "Worried about search engines? Your information is safe. There have been misleading rumors about Facebook indexing all your information on Google. This is not...

  • Web
    Outlook for Search in China

    Written by Aydin Senkut, an ex-Google senior manager who is currently an angel investor for his company Felicis Ventures. During Aydin's 6 years with Google, he managed their international expansion - including launching Google's first 10 international sites.Today China boasts over 105 million Internet users, not to mention 350M mobile...

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