Results for "epic games"

We found 366 results for your search.
  • Social
    Facebook’s Latest App-Permissions Change Could Land It In German Court

    Facebook has changed the way it seeks permission to share users' personal information with third-party apps and games, a move that could land the social network in a European court. A German consumer advocacy group is threatening to sue the social network unless it gives users a clear choice on...

  • Startups
    114 Entrepreneurs On 1 Train For 8 Hours Pitching Ideas

    Think an elevator pitch is hard? Try selling your vision with a beer in each hand, balancing in the aisle of a train barreling north at 80 mph. That's exactly the challenge posed by Geeks on a Train, a veritable Nerd Express from Portland, Ore., to Vancouver, where passengers will "rethink...

  • Entertainment
    5 Signposts to the Future of Gaming

    At their best, video games are bite-sized experiments. The virtual world of a game is a miniaturized space where our imaginations can clash horns with psychology, culture and the technological horizon, often to addictively playable ends. We take a look at how five compelling trends from E3 2012 are pioneering...

  • Web
    Smart TV Evolves: Microsoft’s SmartGlass Connects Your Phone, Tablet and Xbox 360

    From Kinect motion controls, to voice commands and now SmartGlass, Microsoft is on a crusade to transform the living room into a fluid locus of home entertainment, with Xbox Live right at the center. But does anything set this new second-screen app apart from the crowd? For one, SmartGlass isn't just...

  • Entertainment
    Warning: Consumer Video Game Warnings Are Inappropriate for Congress

    Would it help you when reading the ratings for a video game as determined by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, to read a warning that states violent video games have been linked to violent behavior? Would it help you if that warning appeared on all ratings for nearly all games,...

  • Web
    $1m in 1 Day: Meet Double Fine, the New Kings of Kickstarter

    Late last night Jane McGonigal, the most respected authority in the world of gamification, Tweeted that she'd pitched in to support the creation of a new point and click adventure game from respected game development shop Double Fine. That was the first trickle I saw of what quickly became a...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012

    2012 started with a flourish of new apps across iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The holiday season is the busiest time of year for app publishers but the follow up in January was equally impressive. That is a testament to the growing app ecosystem and the number of developers starting...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012

    2012 started with a flourish of new apps across iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The holiday season is the busiest time of year for app publishers but the follow up in January was equally impressive. That is a testament to the growing app ecosystem and the number of developers starting...

  • Social
    Why People Have Fake Facebook Profiles

    It's late afternoon, and you're clicking around on Facebook. Then you stumble upon a person who appears to be Facebook friends with many of your mutual friends. This person is active on Facebook, posting links, videos, images and status updates. Still, something just seems off. A bit more digging reveals...

  • Mobile
    Study: Average App Session Lasts About 1 Minute

    Your mobile device is a little extension of you, loaded up with your text messages, emails, social apps (Facebook, Twitter), news apps, finance apps, photography, location-based social networks, music, travel, sports, health, lifestyle...the list goes on. But how long do you actually keep those apps open, and when do you...

  • Web
    The Other Steve Jobs: Censorship, Control and Labor Rights

    The death of Steve Jobs has rocked people the world over, affecting everyone from the most hardcore Apple fanboy to Barack Obama to all those gathered outside the new Apple store in Shanghai. While Steve Jobs will be remembered for revolutionizing personal computing, the music industry, consumer mobile products, film...

  • Mobile
    Asia Sees iPhone App Downloading Boom

    According to a new report from analytics firm Distimo, the iPhone app download volume in Asian countries, led by China, has seen significant increases over the past 6 months, even as Western markets saw decreases. And China is now the second largest market in this area, after the U.S.However, even...

  • Web
    Hopes & Fears: The Future of Kids & Tech at RWW2WAY

    The stories that we hear about teens and technology often border on hysteria. Technology is ruining their grades. It's ruining their eyesight. It's making them fat. It's exposing them to dangerous people, dangerous ideas. It encourages stupid, senseless behavior - the sorts of things that will ruin their lives forever.Sure,...

  • Mobile
    What’s Changing with the Windows Phone App Submission Process

    Microsoft recently announced a number of changes to its mobile application submission process for Windows Phone 7 to address concerns and confusion cited by its developer community. The changes were made in response to this developer feedback, says Microsoft, and are designed to streamline the overall process, add clarity and...

  • Mobile
    The New Rules of the App Store

    This post is an excerpt from Rana Sobhany's new book, Mobilize: Strategies for Success from the Frontlines of the App Revolution. Mobilize walks developers through the positioning, marketing and outreach needed to create successful apps. In her opening chapter, Sobhany follows the history of the app store phenomenon from its...

  • Mobile
    The New Rules of the App Store

    This post is an excerpt from Rana Sobhany's new book, Mobilize: Strategies for Success from the Frontlines of the App Revolution. Mobilize walks developers through the positioning, marketing and outreach needed to create successful apps. In her opening chapter, Sobhany follows the history of the app store phenomenon from its...

  • Entertainment
    U.S. Supreme Court Weighs Violent Video Game Ban

    The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, a case in which the video games industry seeks to challenge a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors. California claims that the law, which has never gone into effect, helps parents shield their children...

  • Web
    Apple’s Guidelines Revealed: Apps You Can’t Sell in the Mac App Store

    Yesterday, at Apple's "Back to the Mac" press event, the company announced an App Store for the Mac, similar to the stores it already runs for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad within iTunes. There's no doubt a computer-based "app store" is an interesting concept, and it will likely attract...

  • Web
    2000 Years Since Anyone’s Heard Babylonian Poetry Read Aloud – Click to Hear It Now

    We have seen Babylonian language, whether we recognized it as such or not. It's that stuff on every ancient tablet in every adventure movie you've ever seen that doesn't have a crane or a guy dancing (that, scientifically speaking, is Egyptian). The writing system, quite possibly the first humans devised,...

  • Web
    Live Blog: Apple’s Fall Event (New iPods, iOS 4.1, iTunes 10, Apple TV)

    Apple is holding its annual Fall event today. Historically, these events have always focused on the iPod line. While we definitely expect to see a revamped iPod lineup, the rumor mill also points towards a new Apple TV and a major update for iTunes. A number of pundits also expect...

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