You want Opera Mobile on your MeeGo Harmattan device at ANY cost ? Well Ricardo (also named XeN or XenGi online) has found his way to hack it on, but beware this will “break” your package manager. Instructions and link to his site and download file are below:
Important Note:
There is no way to uninstall Opera Mobile. You have to delete every single file by hand!
I managed to get Opera Mobile 11 running on Nokia N950. This is n official way and you will “break” your package manager because you have to copy files directly to the rootfs but atm there is no official port so you have no other choice if you really want Opera Mobile.
I extracted the files from the official RPM package for MeeGo 1.2 N900 DE available here (
Just download the tar.gz file at the bottom at the bottom of this post.
Get root access by ssh to localhost with the following command. Thepasswort is “rootme” without quotes:ssh root@localhostThen enter the following on the terminal to untar the archive and install:
tar xvf operamobile.tar ./
Source This Blog Makes You Happy and this is also where you will find the download file. Many thanks to Ricardo for Sharing.