In mere months, Oculus will show off its latest cool tools for virtual reality game and app makers. The Facebook-owned company announced Thursday that its second annual developer conference, Connect 2, will get underway September 23 to 25 in Hollywood, Calif.
Developer conferences have become much more than geeky industry events in recent years. They’ve become hype machines for tech companies, who do their best to tempt developers into making apps—the lifeblood of any budding platform—in addition to whetting appetites among tech enthusiasts.
See also: Oculus Will Bring Virtual Reality To Real Reality On June 11
According to Oculus, the first Connect conference last year drew a thousand attendees. This time around, those numbers could balloon, now that the VR company plans to open up consumer-ready headsets for pre-orders later this year. (The product will ship some time in early 2016.)
The developer tools also cover more than just one device: According to the company’s blog post, the event will go over “everything developers need to know to launch on the Rift and Gear VR.” Samsung’s Oculus-powered Gear VR headset is also on the verge of a commercial launch for later this year.
Expect keynote addresses from Oculus honchos Michael Abrash, John Carmack and Brendan Iribe, along with plenty of demos, likely with the very latest version of the Rift. The company plans to hold a June 11 press event in San Francisco, where it’s expected to show off the model heading to people’s faces.
In other words, VR’s about to get real. Brace those eyeballs.
Images courtesy of Oculus