Home Nuance Clinical Documentation Tool Florence for Samsung Gear S

Nuance Clinical Documentation Tool Florence for Samsung Gear S

Nuance Communications have announced their newest innovations that brings clinical documentation to smart devices, smart watches and the Internet of Things.
Their PowerMic Mobile App will be available in May 2015 and can turn any iOS or Android mobile phone into dictation device for physicians to easily dictate information into patients records. Nuance has teamed up with Samsung on Dragon Medical 360 that works with the Samsung Gear S smart watch. Physicians now speak into the Gear S to record everything that they need.

“2015 has turned into the Year for the Internet of Things and the phenomenon is becoming firmly entrenched in healthcare,” said Jonathon Dreyer, director of cloud and mobile solutions, Nuance Communications. “We are very excited to leverage our deep experience in this domain and to work with a pioneer such as Samsung to bring the power of voice to a new class of documentation tools that bridge conveniences found in clinicians’ personal lives to the healthcare environment.”

Nuance has also announced Florence, its intelligent virtual assistant, on a Samsung Gear S to show how this powerful tool can boost physician productivity through a smart watch. Florence provides a series of voice-driven clinical workflows that allow physicians to record vital signs, interact with patient alerts, document telephone encounters, and place medication, lab, and radiology orders. Check out the video below to see it in action:



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