The process of the Migration of services to the Hildon Foundation is a bit more clear following the recent post on the Community Board:
In a conference held by Nokia, Nemein and the Hildon Foundation, Nokia has offered to help economically in the process of migration. The details for starting the migration are under discussion.
Nokia is already working with the Hildon Foundation in a legal document to cover the transferring process of assets. While this document is being reviewed and completed, the migration process of services should take place during the month of December.
Nokia is willing to provide any help in the transference of and all of it’s assets to the Hildon Foundation. To accomplish that, Nokia will pay the cost of buying the physical servers needed by the Hildon Foundation to ensure the survival of after the migration from Logica. Nokia has also offered to pay for the cost of the migration. The Hildon Foundation will be responsible for hosting costs at Nemein beginning in 2013.
The details are being worked out by Nemein and the Hildon Foundation.