Home Everything for your Nokia N9: Goal! 4 Apps to Keep up with Football Results

Everything for your Nokia N9: Goal! 4 Apps to Keep up with Football Results

This Article is from AllBoutN9 :
4 big UEFA Champions League games are expecting us this week and many more football matches in all the different leagues around the world. How to keep up with the schedule and (live) scores? We found four application which won’t let you miss a game anymore.

Football Live Scores:
Football Live Scores by Rigfoundry is an application made to keep you updates when games are on. Next to UEFA’s Champions League all leagues of the previous application are included. Additionally the Scottish Premiership, Dutch Eredivisie, Turkish SüperLig and the English nPower Championship.
By choosing a league an overview of live scores, fixtures of future games, league table and top goal scorers is given. A great option is that you can add an auto-refresh to every league.
However, the application doesn’t work 100%. Some leagues have missing data and live scores aren’t always updated. I consider to try it out and see how it works for your favorite league or team.

Livescore N9
Livescore N9 by albaniaqt uses LiveScore as a source. This way the application offers results from more than 100 different countries and even more leagues (often 1st and 2nd leagues (bigger leagues even regional ones) plus national cup competitions.
You have access to 4 main menus: Score (overview of upcoming games), Live (games being played at the moment), Menu (list of all countries and leagues) and settings. In settings there is an option to turn on auto-refresh for live scores which works pretty well.
A disadvantage of Livescore N9 is the user interface. The font is way to small and with this huge amount of leagues there should be at least a search for function or a way to choose favorite teams. Despite that, it’s absolutely worth to buy this application if you follow smaller leagues or need an all-in-one application.

SportStream Champions League
SportStream Champions League Evri isn’t a real football application. It rather collects feeds of different English speaking newspapers. All Champions League competitors are shown and by choosing a team it shows feeds referring to that team or its opponent.
To read a full article you get redirected to the website of the source. Not a big application at all, but if you want to know what’s written about your team you might want to have a look at SportStream

What application are you using? What’s your favorite team? Please leave a comment.

Source AllBoutN9

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