Home Nokia Link for Nokia N9 Available at Beta Labs !!!

Nokia Link for Nokia N9 Available at Beta Labs !!!


To set the tune for a holiday mood, the new version of Nokia Link is available exclusively for our Betalabs users, download the latest beta version.
The first public version of Nokia Link was released a few months ago. Since then, we’ve got plenty of feedback from our users, and acted upon the most popular improvement suggestions.
Nokia Link now runs on a computer with Windows XP or Windows Vista, which is one of the most requested improvements to the program. Being able to copy mobile content to and from smart playlists in iTunes and Windows Media Player is another useful addition. And because people were looking for an easy way to remove content, such as music, from the memory of their Nokia N9 phone, we wanted to make sure that this would be an easy thing to do with Nokia Link. Plus, we’ve done a lot of polishing and fixed a bunch of errors that had been found in the previous version.
Many of you have also asked if it would be possible to sync your contacts and calendar with Nokia Link. This is not part of our plans, because Nokia N9 has made it simple and effortless to sync over the air. More instructions
Get your voice heard – give us feedback!
We look forward hearing from you how the new features work, what’s not working – and what new stuff you would like to see as part of Nokia Link. So dig in, try it out and join the discussion at Betalabs discussion forum. if you find bugs, read the instructions for bug reporting.
What can I do with Nokia Link?
More information on features and how Nokia Link works
What phone do I need?
Nokia Link officially supports Nokia N9 only. In the future we will extend the phone support to selected S40 phones.
Symbian phones are officially supported by Nokia Suite application. The upcoming Windows Phones have their own desktop solutions, namely Zune (PC) and Windows Phone 7 Connector (Mac).
Supported operating systems
– Windows 7, Vista, XP
– Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Proceed to download Nokia Link 1.2 Beta release

Source Nokia Beta Labs

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