Home Nokia Developer Porting Section: New opportunities for your Apps

Nokia Developer Porting Section: New opportunities for your Apps

We have launched a new section on Nokia Developer designed to help Android and iOS developers take advantage of the growing momentum behind Nokia Store. With constantly growing download rate, owners of Nokia smartphones have a huge appetite for apps.
Apps for Nokia smartphones are created using Qt, a rich cross-platform environment delivering efficient and intuitive APIs and a fully integrated set of tools for all aspects of app development. The obvious challenge, if you have an Android or iOS app, is figuring out where to start. And this is where the new Nokia Developer Porting section comes in.
Now you can find the information you need to get started and up-to-speed with efficient porting of your app’s UI and logic to Qt. The Porting to Qt library is where you might wish to start.
The library provides you with the following:

  • An introduction to Qt technology and tools.
  • Overview of application examples that illustrate how to undertake a port.
  • For iOS and Android, individual sections that:
    • Provide you with a guide to the differences and similarities between your current apps’ architecture and those you will create with Qt.
    • Guides you through the decisions needed and Qt Quick components to use when porting your app’s UI.
    • Describes two examples of practical app UI porting, with full explanations of the design process and decisions.
    • Summary of the Qt Quick components you can use in porting your apps.

Having reviewed the library you will be ready to start porting your apps to Symbian phones and the Nokia N9 smartphone. At this stage the API Mapping Tool will be invaluable, as it by enables you to look up the APIs you have used in your app and find the right Qt API to use.
The section also provides you with an alternative route to access the code examples, of both model and real-world porting project, to help you gain a deeper insight into the porting process.
Visit the Porting section on Nokia Developer.
But wait there’s more … Qt developers, get ready to discover new opportunities with Windows Phone
A huge new opportunity is coming, as we prepare to welcome Nokia products with Window Phone. For those of you with Qt applications, Nokia and Microsoft want it to be as easy as possible for you to take advantage of this new opportunity. So our friends over at Microsoft have been busy creating resources to get help you get your apps onto Windows Phone with the minimum of drama.
To get you started there is the Windows Phone Guide for Symbian Qt Application Developers, which provides a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about Windows Phone Apps standards, coding, and the tools. In addition information on the Qt APIS has been added to the Windows Phone API mapping tool so figuring out how to recode you app will be easy.
If you want a hands-on, guided kick-start to porting your apps to Windows Phone don’t forget the “Nokia Windows Phone Training” roadshow, a series of developer events starting in Paris today.
Source Nokia Developer Blogs

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