Home Nokia commits to N9 support – Seriously ?

Nokia commits to N9 support – Seriously ?

It seems there is much joy and merriment in the MeeGo masses from a Tweet sent out by Klas Strom, Head of Portfolio Management in Marketing for Nokia with regards to the support of the Nokia N9:


N9 will be supported for years and release several SoftWare updates

Before we all get all warm and fuzzy and start heading towards the Sauna together, I would really like to ask Nokia to make their minds up. Recently we have had them announce a fantastically received device and even though that ‘child‘ device was only days old their CEO Stephen Elop has tried killing it at every media chance he has got in an effort to shift the focus back onto their new SmartPhone platform of choice, Windows Phone.
Given Nokia’s history with the Nokia N900 and Maemo and their U-Turn on MeeGo I think Nokia need to send out a unified message. Either they are with us or against us ? Either promote a device whole heartedly or don’t, but please make sure everyone is singing off the same hymn sheet, that is the ONLY way you will make us believe tweets like the one above …

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