Home Never miss an NBA game score again with the NBA Gear Watch app for the Gear S2 and Gear S3

Never miss an NBA game score again with the NBA Gear Watch app for the Gear S2 and Gear S3

The Samsung Gear S2 and Gear S3 being among the most popular smartwatches currently in the market have received a increasing love from app developers. Apart from Indie dev apps and popular services made available through third party developers, there have been a number of official apps as well on the store. The NBA Gear Watch developed by Turner NBA Digital is one such official app that has made way on to the Tizen wearable platform and currently available on the Gear S2 and Gear S3 smartwatches.
The app provides information on upcoming games with timing, and if the game’s live it also updates users with live scores and live play by play game information. While the app features are impressive themselves, the UI is where it shines the most. The app makes perfect use of the circular display with all the information of each game laid out on a single screen so that users don’t have to face the trouble of swiping the screen or tapping on other options for more details. Users only have to swipe to the next screen to get details of other matches which can also be done more conveniently with the rotating bezel.
With the NBA having millions of followers all over the world, there certainly will be a considerable amount of Gear S2 and Gear S3 users among them, who would find the official NBA app really convenient to keep a tab on their favorite clubs. The app can be downloaded from the Galaxy apps store and measures only 323.17KB for version 1.1.0 at the time of writing this post.
You can download the app on your Gear S2 or Gear S3 by clicking on this link from your smartphone.

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