Home MyMoves 0.2.0: Less Gestures, More Features

MyMoves 0.2.0: Less Gestures, More Features

MyMoves 0.2.0 has been approved and can be downloaded from the Nokia Store.
“What? Less gestures?” Yeah. The more complex ones work every now and then. They all mostly work for me,
but since i created them, i’m not the best judge on how usable they are (and judging by Nokia Store reviews
they do not work for many people, as expected). So. Moving on with 8 two-finger gestures, them being up,
down, left, right + the corner-to-corner ones.
Then the nice part: new features!!! o/
Launching bookmarks
Performing actions (running scripts)

Launching Bookmarks does exactly what it says: you can now use
gestures to launch the web sites you’ve saved to the app grid.
Performing actions is a longer story. Played around with D-BUS commands the
other day, and ended up gathering together some useful ones to be used with MyMoves.
Basically the actions are shell scripts which run a D-BUS command. Sure, it is not
as fast as doing it from C++, or as clean as doing it by using plugins, but it’s the
hacker-friendly way: ‘script plugins’

The scripts are located in /home/user/.local/mymovescripts.
Let’s take an example: adding a new event to calendar
#Name=Calendar: Add new event
qdbus com.nokia.Calendar / com.nokia.maemo.meegotouch.CalendarInterface.newEvent “” “”

It’s a normal shell script, the most important line from MyMoves
point-of-view being the second line which states the name of the action
to be parsed on the UI side.
Here’s current set of 11 actions:
– Calendar: Add new event
– Calendar: Add new task
– Calendar: Show month view
– Calendar: Shot Todo list
– Calendar: Show week view
– Music: Switch to next song
– Music: Switch to previous song
– Create a new SMS message
– Phone: Open call history
– Phone: Open contacts list
– Phone: Open dialer

A short video of the new features:


Source Expr3ss yourself

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