Ok. Now it’s polished (as in the UI looks nice. Didn’t do any localization : P)
Changes in 0.1.2:
- Added a howto-screen
- Moved mymoves.conf to ~/.config
- About screen
- Splash screen
- Logo to main page
- Icons in app selection list
- Overall tweaking of the UI
- 1 Add the mymoves repository to your phone:
- Create a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mymoves.list
- Into that file, enter this line (without the quotes): “deb http://koti.kapsi.fi/~sh8dfwk/mymoves binary/“
- 2. Make sure you’ve got a working internet connection on your phone
- 3. apt-get update
- 4. apt-get install mymoves
- If you’ve already got MyMoves 0.0.2 installed, just run
- apt-get update && apt-get install mymoves
- (yes, that’s apt-get install), and it will update the package.
Source Expr3ss yourself