Home Fortnite: Mobile Epic Games Store launch brings game back to iPhone and Android

Fortnite: Mobile Epic Games Store launch brings game back to iPhone and Android


  • Fortnite returns to mobile via the Epic Games Store on Android and in the EU for iOS users.
  • Epic Games is challenging Apple and Google over restrictive app store practices and fees.
  • Epic plans to launch its games on other third-party app stores, expanding access globally.

Fortnite has returned to mobile devices after a long absence with the launch of the Epic Games Store mobile, now available worldwide on Android and in the European Union.

The store is launching Fortnite, Rocket League Sideswipe, and the all-new Fall Guys for mobile, and work is being carried out to enable all developers to launch games on the Epic Games Store on mobile.

Epic Games has been embroiled in disagreements with Apple and Google since 2020 over fees the tech giants impose on purchases made through the app stores.

The reason the Apple version of the Epic Game Store is launching only within the EU is down to the Digital Markets Act, which has been instrumental in Epic’s ongoing fight against the Cupertino giant.

More recently, Apple attempted to impose a new fee on competing app stores, a move Epic’s CEO Tim Sweeney described as an “illegal new 15% junk fee.”

According to Epic’s press release, the DMA is the only thing enabling them to launch within the EU. “We’re launching on iOS devices in the European Union thanks to the Digital Markets Act, but Apple is still blocking all other iOS users outside of Europe from accessing Fortnite and Epic Games Store for iOS.”

Epic is not finished battling Google and Apple in courts

According to the press release, Google and Apple are making it deliberately difficult to download and install the Epic Games Store on mobile devices, and Epic intends to pursue action with regulators to prevent this from continuing.

“For now, the process of installing the Epic Games Store on iOS and Android is lengthy due to Apple and Google introducing intentionally poor-quality install experiences laden by multiple steps, confusing device settings, and scare screens. We are continuing to fight in courts and work with regulators around the globe to eliminate the anticompetitive terms that Apple and Google impose on developers and consumers, so we can build a better store for everyone.”

Epic is also bringing its games to third-party app stores

As well as launching their app store, Epic is working with other third-party app stores to launch its games across multiple platforms. “We’re starting by launching our games on AltStore PAL today for iOS users in the European Union. We also plan to bring our games to Aptoide’s iOS store in the EU and ONE Store on Android. We look forward to bringing our games to other stores around the world.”

Sweeney concluded the press release with a statement that emphasized the broader victory for third-party developers, saying “The tide is turning and the mobile ecosystem is finally opening up to the competition. We are grateful to the European Commission for making it possible to launch the Epic Games Store and offer our games to iOS users in the European Union. Now European iOS users and all Android users can access our store and games, as they’ve always been able to do on open platforms like PC and Mac. The fight is far from over, but this is tangible progress for developers and consumers who can begin to benefit from competition and choice.”

Featured image credit: Epic Games

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Ali Rees
Tech journalist

Ali Rees is a freelance writer based in the UK. They have worked as a data and analytics consultant, a software tester, and a digital marketing and SEO specialist. They have been a keen gamer and tech enthusiast since their childhood in are currently the Gaming and Tech editor at Brig Newspaper. They also have a Substack where they review short video games. During the pandemic, Ali turned their hand to live streaming and is a fan of Twitch. When not writing, Ali enjoys playing video and board games, live music, and reading. They have two cats and both of…

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