Home N9 Tweak : User Friendly App for Some Hacks Available on N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

N9 Tweak : User Friendly App for Some Hacks Available on N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

N9Tweak is a little user friendly app for some hacks available on N9 !
Install it through the browser and make sure you have “allow other sources” set in settings and developer-mode activated.
Current features:
* Add adhoc at start up
* Boost the playback volume
* Change the statusbar clock
* Tweaks the clock, date and bounce of the lock-screen
* Activate/Deactivate landscape support
* Tweak screen rotation sensitivity
* Change GPS provider
* Change behaviour of PowerKey
* Enable/Disable auto-brightness setting
* Add local key to N950 fn+arrow hw-keys
* Edit the options in display settings
* Swap screen sleep mode on or off
* Add/Remove extra repositories
* Enable ssh to root user
* Enlarge virtual keyboard
* Enable/Disable Skype on N950
* Improved landscape a bit
* Q for quit app
* Added XL vkb
* Colored GUI
* Screen rotation sensitivity
* A couple of bug fixes
* Added rezisable virtual keyboard
* Added root ssh enabler
* Added zsh installer (hidden)
* Fixed 12h/24h issue for status clock
* A bunch of small fixes
* Change GPS provider
* Change PowerKey behaviour
* Added PreDriv to startup
* Added Screenlapse (hidden)
* A bunch of bug fixes
* A bunch of bug fixes
* Added bounce to lock-screen
* Added volume boost
* Added startup adhoc
* Added german hw-keys
* possibilty to revert hw-keys
* added /usr/bin/n9tweak
* A bunch of bug fixes
* Made a deb for easy install
* Made a desktop launch icon
* Added ability to reset all options
* initial release
You can follow updates here or here 😉
Source Maemo Briefs

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