At an event hosted by global head of Nokia design, Marko Ahtisaari, Nokia heralded the imminent arrival of the Nokia N9 in South Africa. The launch it was a spectacle to behold, from spandex clad dancers to interpretive dance the aspect of design was shown and Ahtisaari took to the stage with the beguiling, entertaining and fascinating story behind the design of the phone.
“When designing the Nokia N9, our goal was simple: to blend hardware and software together in order to produce a new and better way to use a phone. The result is an experience that sets the bar for how natural technology can feel,” says Ahtisaari.
The Nokia N9, a device built for those who appreciate a stunning blend of design and the latest smartphone technology, introduces a simple swipe gesture that replaces the traditional home key. It is a formidable and elegant device that is set to be a game changer for Nokia.
“This is just the beginning. The details that make the Nokia N9 unique – the industrial design, the all-screen user experience and the expressive Qt framework for developers – will evolve in future Nokia products,” concluded Ahtisaari.
The Nokia N9 will be available in South Africa in November 2011 at an estimated retail price of R5 999. You excited? I can’t wait!
Source It’s Simply Heaven