Home Keynote Speakers Announced at Tizen Developer Conference 2017, Get 20% off your Ticket !

Keynote Speakers Announced at Tizen Developer Conference 2017, Get 20% off your Ticket !

Samsung’s Tizen Developer Conference 2017 will be taking place on the 16th and 17th of May in San Francisco, CA, registrations for which have already begun. This year’s TDC is expected to have some really big announcements about Tizen’s future and the possibilities for developers to take advantage of it. The Keynote session will take place at about 10 am on the 16th of May, and Samsung has some really big faces lined up to grace the occasion with their valuable input.
Here’s the list of all the speakers during the keynote session at this year’s TDC-

  • Executive Vice President, Samsung Electronics Chair, Tizen Technical Steering Group, Hyogun Lee
  • Creative Director/Principal Designer, UX Center, Samsung Electronics, Chris Choi
  • Senior Vice President & Chief Technical Officer, Samsung Electronics, Adam Tom
  • Vice President, Partner Platform, Glympse, Chris Park
  • Principal Professional, Samsung Electronics, Hokyu Choi
  • Director of Innovation Programs for Product Innovation Team (PIT), Samsung Electronics, Adnan Agboatwalla “Boat”
  • Vice President, Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics, Hong-Seok Kim
  • Program Manager, .NET team, Microsoft, Immo Landwerth
  • Vice President of Ecosystems and IoT General Manager, Samsung Electronics, Curtis Sasaki

Register Now and get 20% off
You can register to attend Tizen Developer Conference 2017 from here. Use the registration code TIZSNS17 and get 20% off on your ticket.

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