Home JollaMobile – A new chapter in the MeeGo OS

JollaMobile – A new chapter in the MeeGo OS


Today the world has seen a new chapter in the MeeGo Saga. The Word JollaMobile has filled Twitter streams everywhere (well to MeeGo people at least).
Jolla Ltd. is a Finish company that has continued the work that Nokia had started with MeeGo and has been developing a new smartphone product including the OS since the end of 2011.
So what is JollaMobile:

This OS has evolved from MeeGo OS using Mer Core and Qt with Jolla technology including its own brand new UI.

The ultimate goal of this project is to design, develop and sell new MeeGo based smartphones to be revealed later this year.
For more information please read the included press release:
Jolla Ltd. is an independent Finland based smartphone product company which continues the excellent work that Nokia started with MeeGo. The Jolla team is formed by directors and core professionals from Nokia’s MeeGo N9 organisation, together with some of the best minds working on MeeGo in the communities.
Jussi Hurmola, CEO Jolla Ltd.: “Nokia created something wonderful – the world’s best smartphone product. It deserves to be continued, and we will do that together with all the bright and gifted people contributing to the MeeGo success story.”
Jolla Ltd. will design, develop and sell new MeeGo based smartphones. Together
with international private investors and partners, a new smartphone using this MeeGo based OS will be revealed later this year.
Jolla Ltd. has been developing a new smartphone product and the OS since the end
of 2011. The OS has evolved from MeeGo OS using Mer Core and Qt with Jolla
technology including its own brand new UI.
The Jolla team consists of a substantial number of MeeGo’s core engineers and directors, and is aggressively hiring the top MeeGo and Linux talent to contribute to the next generation smartphone production. Company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and has an R&D office in Tampere, Finland.

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