Home Jolla sign Sales agreement with Chinese Distributor D. Phone Group

Jolla sign Sales agreement with Chinese Distributor D. Phone Group


JollaMobile have just announced that they have signed a Sales agreement with China’s Largest Smartphone Retail Chain D.Phone who are a strategic partner with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.
This move will allow Jolla to be able to reach out to Chinas 150 million smartphone market using D.Phones network of over 2,000 retail stores.

Mr. Donghai Liu, Founder and CEO of D.Phone Group: “We see great potential for Jolla as a new player in the Chinese smartphone market with Jolla’s fresh and unique user experience. Together with Jolla our aim is to reach significant sales volumes.”


Dr. Antti Saarnio, Chairman of Jolla Ltd.: “China has the largest and most rapidly expanding smartphone market in the world. This agreement with D.Phone is a major step in Jolla’s journey towards becoming a significant player in the global smartphone market”

All interesting news and we look forward with baited breath of the big reveal later this year !

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