The world of technology is consistently growing and many difficult tasks are becoming increasingly easier. You no longer need a code to create, apply and measure interactive digital experiences. IntiuFace is the ultimate platform for building interactive digital experiences. You can now build apps and interact with them using Tizen-based Samsung Smart Signage device (SSSP4). You can also interact with any connected objects found among connected IoT devices.
Digital signage has consistent development and it shows appreciable growth. The interest of IntuiFace does not start with presentation software like Windows PC’s although it can perform that function. If you can build slides, then you can create a satisfactory interactive experience for your clients. Understanding Samsung’s digital signage wasn’t a problem from the start because many already understood digital signage on Windows and were only looking for a viable alternative. With IntuiFace, you don’t need prior SSP knowledge to create digital signage. For more information on how to create an application project for Tizen Smart Signage, you can follow the tutorial HERE