Home Intellowares thoughts on QML and Qt Development for MeeGo

Intellowares thoughts on QML and Qt Development for MeeGo

We asked Intelloware to put down on paper their thoughts about Qt + QML and their Twitter client called TweeMee (Which is still in development). This is their answer:
First version of the TweeMee Twitter client just submitted to the Intel AppUp Center, and will be available on MeeGo soon.
TweeMee is a native MeeGo app, written in Qt + QML. Qt is used for network, Twitter protocol, xAuth, JSON parsing and etc.
QML is used for user interface. QML is a really easy way to create nice, modern UI. Using animation framework you could make your UI just “live”. Just take a look on this short video. Looks like tab going to catch the mouse cursor.

You will be surprised, this effect was implemented in just few lines of code

  alwaysRunToEnd: true;
  running: true;
    NumberAnimation { target: tabImage; property: "opacity"; to: 0.0; duration: 100 }
    NumberAnimation { target: tabImage; property: "y"; to: 60; duration: 100 }
    NumberAnimation { target: tabImage; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 100 }
    NumberAnimation { target: tabImage; property: "y"; to: 0; duration: 100 }

Another huge plus of Qml – this is a way to create cross-platform application which looks and feels same on Windows and MeeGo platforms.
For now we just implement main Twitter related client features. We have a really big roadmap, and a bunch of really interesting ideas like filtering timeline by creating rules (by user, specific word, hashtag and etc), highlighting specific words in the timeline, desktop notifications, give user a way to not just change visual theme but also the behavior of UI elements. For example user could decided on how to switch between timelines – with fade effect, rotation, slide and so on.
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