Home Integral Calculating Mathematical Integrals – Maemo

Integral Calculating Mathematical Integrals – Maemo

“Integral” is an easy to use free and open-source (GPL) application to calculate mathematical integrals with many features :

  • undefinite, definite and numerical integration
  • integrals in one, two and three variables (1D, 2D, 3D)
  • three simplification methods for non-numerical results
  • three numerical integration methods and arbitrary number of digits (default is 15)
  • option to show the calculation time
  • option to show the not calculated integral before the result
  • 6 output types : simple, bidimensional, typesetting, LaTeX, MathML and C
  • copy&paste available in all entry fields and also in the result, allowing copying the result to anywhere
  • history and line completion editing in the integrand, differentials and limits

See the Integral web site : http://www.robertocolistete.net/integral/.

“Integral” runs on Maemo 5 (Nokia N900) or any smartphone/tablet/computer where Python, SymPy and PyQt are available. Future versions will use PySide and QML.
“Integral” is a scientific application using Python and the SymPy (Symbolic Mathematics) module with user-friendly interface written in Qt (PyQt but can be PySide).

SymPy is a computer algebra system (CAS) written in pure Python, it is free and open source project, see http://sympy.org/. SymPy documentation : http://docs.sympy.org/dev/index.html.



Download Integral.deb v1.0.0 (18 KB) for Nokia N900 (Maemo 5 Fremantle) and open it with the file manager to install Integral. Python, PyQt and SymPy will also be installed if not installed before.
I expect to release Integral .deb for Maemo 4 (Diablo) in the next week.
Integral will be submitted to the extra-devel repository, Nokia Developer Projects, etc.
Obs.: with the N900 it is also possible to use SymPy directly by openning a x-terminal and typing “isympy” (or “python” if ipython is not installed). Then follow the docs of SymPy to learn how to use it to calculate integrals, derivatives, etc. “Integral” is an easy user interface to “integrate” and “quad” with many options (see “Integral” settings).

Source maemo.org Talk

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