Here are the instructions on how to install the Tizen SDK on Ubuntu. Happy Installing.
Tizen SDK is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The installation on Ubuntu requires installation of additional software before running Tizen SDK Install Manager. This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu 12.10 32-bit.
Download Tizen SDK
Download an appropriate stable version of Tizen SDK Install Manager for your Ubuntu.
For 64 bit version,
Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
1. Download JRE for Linux as a tar archive
2. Extract the archive
tar -xvf jre-7u17-linux-i586.tar.gz
3. Create Java directory and move JRE into it
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0 sudo mv jre1.7.0_17/* /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/
4. Install/Update Java
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java 0
5. Create directory for the plugin
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
6. Create a symbolic link to Java
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/lib/i386/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
Install Dependencies
Before launching Tizen SDK Install Manager install the following packages: expect, gtk2-engines-pixbuf, libgnome2-0, qemu-user-static and libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
sudo apt-get install expect sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf sudo apt-get install libgnome2-0 sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 sudo apt-get install gettext
Install Tizen SDK
Add executable permissions to Install Manager and run it. Follow the instruction to complete the installation.
chmod +x tizen-sdk-<version>-ubuntu<bits>.bin ./tizen-sdk-<version>-ubuntu<bits>.bin
- SDK runs on Eclipse, which requires JRE, JRE 6 or newer package is required.
- Solution: Install JRE before running Tizen SDK installer.
- Mising “expect” “gtk2-engines-pixbuf” “libgnome2-0” “qemu-user-static” “libwebkitgtk-1.0-0” package(s)
- Solution: install the required packages.
- Problem with installing Oracle Java on Ubuntu machine
- Solution: oab-java6 is a good script to generate JDK and JRE Debian packages. Please read the Issue #64 for jdk7u9
- Exception in thread “main” org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [Unknown Mozilla pah (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)] error pops up
- Solution: install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0,
- Event Injector is not shown in the IDE
- Solution: install Ajax Tool Framework plug-in for your Eclipse.
External Links
How to Install Tizen SDK on Ubuntu
Installing the Tizen SDK
Install Oracle Java Runtime (JRE) 7 in Ubuntu 12.04
Step by Step Installation Guide in Korean 우분투에 타이젠 2.0 매그놀리아(Magnolia) 정식 버전 SDK 설치하기
Source Tizen Wiki