So after 1 year of fund-raising, planning and development, your shiny new
beta web app is finally ready… and now you think it’s marketing time. You want to reach thousands
of users as quickly as possible. Aha, you think, the cheapest and shortest path is
viral marketing – via blogs and social news sites. So you turn to your favorite
sites like digg,, TechCrunch and (of course) Read/WriteWeb. Somehow
your email to Michael Arrington or Richard MacManus gets noticed above the
hundreds of others, so your site gets featured and then other blog coverage
follows! Yippee, this is the fame you were waiting for! But a few days later….absolute silence. No one
is talking about you anymore, the activity on your site diminishes to nearly zero, and the new
‘poster child’ web 2.0 app is something else.
Like a nightmare, isn’t it? But unfortunately, this horrible peak-then-slump scenario is very common in the web 2.0 era. The Alexa graph below illustrates this with a well known
example, in this case following a
TechCrunch write-up:

The reasons for this very common pattern are simple to guess. The web 2.0 savvy audience is overloaded with all these
fancy new sites that come up everyday; and this audience will try a lot of apps,
but not necessarily become a permanent user. That’s why you are very vulnerable to get
quickly forgotten, if you don’t offer them something very useful and
The upshot is that timing your app/site promotion is very important. Even though
popular blogs and news sites are a great way to attract community and VC attention, you should know
when to show yourself. Below is a categorization that we suggest all upcomers
consider before any marketing push…
The WAIT List
The Wait list consists of sites that should be more patient to market themselves. This is certainly the largest category, with these 2
broad types of web 2.0 sites:
- Social / User Generated Content Sites
- Verticals
Social sites need existing user activity before getting promoted. For instance, a social networking site with no members won’t be
interesting at all. So if you get dugg, sure you’ll get thousands of people
arriving to check out your social network – and maybe even sign up. But more
likely they will be disappointed that not much activity is happening, so they
will leave your site with bad memories and may not come back.
In the case of verticals, the problem is more about competition.
Rather than immediately publicizing your site, it may be better to focus on
differentiating yourself from others and gradually building up a user base.
Also, most of the sites that fall under one (or both) of the above 2 categories require you to sign up
first. But generally users will be reluctant to join ghost sites.
The best way of marketing for sites in the WAIT list is to focus on their niches, spend very little
and attract targeted masses over time. One example comes from the March 2007 issue of Business 2.0
Magazine. A company called Betty, which sells dye for “the hair down there”, spent just $2000 for space in a Las Vegas
beauty tradeshow brochure and created enough buzz from that to get featured on
the Jay Leno Show. The company expects $1 million in sales this year! Other successful examples are Dogster and Maya’s Mom – they are both vertical and
user-generated sites and they attracted most of their initial user base from pet and mothers magazines.
The bottom line is that WAIT list sites should find their niche, enlarge their
user base there, then come to the web 2.0 savvy audience to show off their force and attract VC attention.
Spotplex, the site shown in the diagram above, is a very good example of a
site that should have WAITED.
The WALK List
The walk list includes sites that should start promoting their site on web 2.0 blogs from the beginning. Most of the WALK candidates
come from Web Utilities. For example:
- search engines (unless they’re vertical);
- Instant Messaging mash-ups;
- Webtops;
- File hosting agents;
- Translators;
- Browser add-ons.
The reason why WALK list members are so different than the previous WAIT list members, is that
these sites don’t need prior popularity. The site’s attractiveness depends solely on the
quality of their service. So there’s no critical mass of user base
required before promoting themselves.
The RUN List
This is the smallest category, with perhaps just tens of sites. The success of these sites depends on web 2.0 media, so they should solely focus on getting themselves featured there. Actually most of them are no different than
the WAIT list, except that their niche is web 2.0 itself! Two great examples are BuzzShout and Go2Web2. Obviously, the web 2.0 audience is open to such
services, so there’s no better place for these sites to get exposure. Blog widgets
is another category can be added to the RUN list.
There are three main strategies then, to market your new web app or site:
1) WAIT list sites should find their niche, enlarge their user base there, then come to
the web 2.0 savvy audience to show off their force and attract VC attention;
2) WALK list sites, such as search engines and browser add-ons, can go after
that elusive digg frontpage or Read/WriteWeb feature now [Ed: preferably
3) RUN list sites should do everything in their power to get attention from
web 2.0 sites!
What are your thoughts on this – agree, or do you suggest other strategies?