Dragon Ball Sparking Zero embodies the anime extremely well, recreating the feeling of battles almost to the tee.
While you’ll most likely be pounding your opponents with hands and fists, beam attacks like Kamehameha come into play, and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of one.
To help you avoid this, we’ll be detailing how to deflect beams in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, hopefully allowing you to survive for another day.
How to deflect beams in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
If you’re getting destroyed by the various Kamehameha beams that inevitably come your way in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero fights, you’ll need to deflect them to ensure you survive.
Luckily, it’s not actually that hard to do so, it’s more about the timing to guarantee you get the deflect off.
To do this, you’ll need to utilize something called Super Perception which can be activated by holding Circle, B, or Q, depending on your method of input.
This is using the Standard setup option and if you’re on the Classic variant instead, you’ll need to use a combination of Circle + Triangle, B +Y, and Q + E, again depending on your input.
Keep in mind that you will need at least two Skill Points to perform a successful deflect so you won’t be able to spam deflects.
Once you see your opponent go into the transition into firing off a beam attack, be prepared to hit those aforementioned buttons and you should be able to get a beam deflect off.
You can practice this in the Training portion of the game to ensure you get the presses off at the correct time, which can save you from getting egg on your face mid battle.
For more help with Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, take a look at our guides on how to get Dragon Balls, a Proficiency explainer, how to get Zeni fast, and how to unlock all characters in the game.