Home Here’s how to save 30% on your Xbox Game Pass subscription

Here’s how to save 30% on your Xbox Game Pass subscription


  • Xbox Game Pass offers great value with many games and frequent new releases, including day-one additions.
  • Woot sells discounted Xbox Game Pass Ultimate keys: $11.79/month and $34.49/3 months, saving up to $197.76.
  • Subscribers get new games like Hellblade 2 and Indiana Jones at launch, adding great value to Game Pass.

Xbox Game Pass is one of the best value products for a gamer to subscribe to, with tons of games in the back catalog and new ones being added all the time, including frequent release day additions.

Here’s how to make it even better value by getting cheap Game Pass and saving 30% on the cost of your subscription.

Xbox Game Pass deals

Woot, the Amazon-owned daily deals website, currently has keys for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, either one month or three months, for sale.

The one-month keys are $11.79, which will save you $5.20 over buying one month directly for $16.99, but the best saving is the three-month key which costs $34.49, saving $16.48 in total ($5.50 per month).

Your saving doesn’t have to stop there, either. You can pre-load your Xbox Game Pass account with up to 36 months of subscription time at once, so you could buy 12 of the 3-month key deals from Woot and fill your account with cheap game time.

It would cost you $611.64 to buy 36 months of Game Pass Ultimate directly from Microsoft, but with this deal, you can score 36 months for just $413.88 – a saving of, $197.76 – almost two hundred dollars.

Getting a cheap Game Pass is an incredible bargain for gamers

As well as the catalog of hundreds of games available to dip in and out of as you like, Game Pass is ever-expanding. The start of June has already seen six games announced for Game Pass, with more likely to come later in the month, and then still more in July, and so on.

Many of the additions to Game Pass, particularly anything from a Microsoft-owned company, are day-one releases – games that become available to Game Pass subscribers the day they release. This is fantastic value for subscribers.

For example, Hellblade 2 clocks in at $50 on Steam, but comes as part of a Game Pass subscription.

There’s always plenty to look forward to, as well. The upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great Circle has been announced as a day-one Game Pass game.

Likely to be upwards of $60 on release, the value of Game Pass is unmatched. And, for the unceasingly optimistic amongst us, Hollow Knight: Silksong has also been announced as a day-one Game Pass game. We can live in hope.

Featured image credit: Machine Games/Bethesda

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Ali Rees
Tech journalist

Ali Rees is a freelance writer based in the UK. They have worked as a data and analytics consultant, a software tester, and a digital marketing and SEO specialist. They have been a keen gamer and tech enthusiast since their childhood in are currently the Gaming and Tech editor at Brig Newspaper. They also have a Substack where they review short video games. During the pandemic, Ali turned their hand to live streaming and is a fan of Twitch. When not writing, Ali enjoys playing video and board games, live music, and reading. They have two cats and both of…

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