Home New Guides for Those who are Learning Qt Quick or Qt Quick Components on Symbian and N9

New Guides for Those who are Learning Qt Quick or Qt Quick Components on Symbian and N9

A post about new developer guides has been on the on the Qt Blog for a few weeks. We’ve made a small, but interesting update and we thought we should drop some lines about it.Just a few weeks ago we published two new developer guides. They are targeted toward those just starting out with Qt Quick and Qt Quick Components and focus on Symbian as well as desktop platforms. The guides are quite new in their nature. They are a bit like a cross between a book and a tutorial spiced with a lot of references to Qt documentation.
The update we published yesterday delivers an additional chapter showing the porting of an application from Qt Quick Components for Symbian to the N9 running MeeGo Haramattan. This was highly demanded in the comments concerning the initial release.

Source QtExperts

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