Home gPodder 3.1.1 for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

gPodder 3.1.1 for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

A new version of gPodder, the podcast manager, has been released, and with it (as always) come some new features for the Harmattan (N950 and N9) version. The most visible on (apart from bugfixes) is the new multi-episode selection sheet, which allows users to select multiple episodes at once to either download, playback or delete. Options for “Select all”, “Select downloaded”, “Select none” and “Invert selection” are provided by the longpress context menu in that list and will modify the selection accordingly.
And yes (as some people are still surprised to learn that): With gPodder, you can also subscribe to YouTube and Vimeo channels (users) and download the videos to your device for easy offline viewing and archiving. Combined with the N9 Media Pushing plug-in by Georg Jens, you can then even play back your YouTube or Vimeo videos on DLNA devices on your home network. Of course, this also works for the RSS “video podcasts” that gPodder also supports in addition to YouTube and Vimeo.
gPodder 3.1.1 “The Preachification of Convincing John” has been uploaded to the Community OBS (Apps For MeeGo) and to Ovi Publish (Nokia Store), and should be available to users in the upcoming days. As always, enjoy this new release and report any bugs or feature requests at bugs.gpodder.org 🙂
Source thp on Maemo

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