Home gPodder 3.1.0 "The Discipline of D.E." Released

gPodder 3.1.0 "The Discipline of D.E." Released

A new release of gPodder is out. This version brings the new extensions system, with already quite a few of the old “hooks” ported. The extensions framework will also be used to bring back MP3 player sync capabilities in future versions, but this feature didn’t make it into 3.1.0. Other changes include a re-designed and improved QML UI for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan (with the ability to lock the screen into portrait-only mode), and various improvements to the Gtk UI, including a live “progress icon” in the episode list for downloads in progress. Windows users will be happy to know that gPodder now checks for updates and offers to download a newer version when one is available (this feature can be disabled in the configuration). The configuration is now saved in a JSON file instead of a .ini-style file to accomodate for the flexible configuration options of the new extension modules.
Download: gpodder-3.1.0.tar.gz
md5sum: fb50e0cec65dabebbbd6e798bd17122c
sha1sum: dd9d35aa81fc50e5ca4c7240111bf6be5502b57e
For packages in distributions, see the downloads page. A special thanks to Bernd Schlapsi, who has devoted much of his time getting the extensions framework ready and the hook scripts ported.
Please note that the Desktop version of gPodder 3 does not yet contain the MP3 player syncing feature. This is also the reason why the Ubuntu PPA won’t be updated to the 3.x releases yet. Users depending on MP3 player syncing are recommended to stay on gPodder 2.20.1 until we get MP3 player syncing into the 3.x releases. When MP3 player syncing lands in 3.x, we will start updating the Ubuntu PPA again. Ubuntu users not requiring the MP3 player sync feature can use gPodder 3 packages from Debian Experimental in the meantime. See this blog post for more information and add your use cases and offer for volunteering to this wiki page. Thanks for your help!
Source gPodder Developer Blog

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