Google Mobile Search added a new feature today that lets users search for stock ticker symbols and see their results in a beautiful, structured interface that scrolls horizontally to display different kinds of results. It would be awesome to see this kind of mobile search interface rolled out beyond search for stocks. It wouldn’t be the first time a technical innovation jumped from Google Finance to the rest of Google.
If you’re on an iPhone or an up to date Android phone, go to in your browser and try search queries like GOOG, AAPL, NYT or YHOO. You’ll see the whole screen fill up with a chart that lets you view stock price changes over varying timeframes. Swipe right (who ever thought to swipe on a Google mobile search results page?) and you’ll see News Search results for the company you searched for. Swipe again and you’ll see charts for the 3 leading markets, once more and you’ll see a nice chart that lets you compare all the companies you’ve searched for recently. It’s beautiful!
Back in 2008, Google Finance was the first place that real-time data updates appeared on the site. Real-time is now a big part of the entire Google search experience.
Could there come a day when all mobile searches let you swipe left and right to see different types of search results and even a chart of your recent search queries? I don’t find that hard to imagine at all.