Home A Glimpse Into Elements 2011

A Glimpse Into Elements 2011

The following is an Article published by Kira Boyko at the Intel AppUp Developer Program where she discusses Intel Elements. This is an an excellent opportunity for me to get to know the larger Intel development community and push forward with MeeGo. So if you attending then please let me know 🙂

A glimpse into Elements 2011

Preparations for Intel AppUpSM Elements 2011 are in full swing! With just eight short weeks separating you from a jam-packed, eventful, cross-platform conference (Sept. 28-29), I’m sure you’re as eager for the conference to begin as I am! I’d like to share some exciting offerings with you.
Content is King, and this conference is no exception. No matter what platform you develop for, we have the right content to get you excited. We developed our course offerings with our diverse and engaged developer community in mind so attendees will have an opportunity to connect with developers and share best practices across a variety of development interests.
If you are passionate about a topic and want to chat about it outside of our session agenda, we’re inviting you to submit a topic for your very own Group Talk. You will have the opportunity to engage in a discussion on a topic of your choosing with experts and fellow developers alike so you can teach, learn and share to your heart’s content. Group Talk format is up to your choosing: it can be a loosely lead discussion, or full-on structured chat complete with presentations and hand-outs: just make sure the audience has a chance to chime in too. To get started, simply submit your Group Talk topic (located on the right-hand bar) by midnight PDT on Friday, August 12. We will review topics and send selection notification by Wednesday, August 23.
Here are some tips from Bob Duffy, Community Manager, Intel AppUpSM developer program, to help get your Talk selected:

  • Consider discussing cross-platform disciplines & technologies over specific platform technologies (i.e. Java, HTML5, OpenGL over Dalvik, QML, DirectX)
  • Gives developers, OEMs, and the ecosystem a framework to deliver great new applications directly to consumers.
  • Make your discussion real and personal – something Talk attendees can relate to
  • Involve the community by allowing Talk attendees to jump into the Talk
  • Show vs. tell where possible


What are you most excited to get out of Elements? Do you want all technical, hands-on sessions, or more narrowed sessions featuring tools to speed your development process? Maybe you’re more interested in the business side of developing, or more specifically, monetization. Wherever your interests lie, our easy-to-view conference agenda displays the level of detail you need to effectively choose your sessions.
Conference sessions are categorized in 3 tracks. Track 1, Learn + Experience: the Intel AppUpSM developer program, aims to get attendees up-to-speed on the program, including opportunities, emerging app usage models, Intel’s vision for the platform, methodology and more. Track 2, Design + Develop: Technical Mastery, is all about developing. Sessions in this track are expert-led and look into hot developer topics including touch and social apps, and cross-platform development. I’m especially excited to tap into success secrets from top app developers while receiving hands-on experience. Track 3, Connect + Succeed: the Business of the Intel AppUpSM center, teaches you how to transform your code into cash. Dive into sessions where you’ll uncover what it takes to get funded, validated, noticed and paid in today’s app business.
Take customization to the next level by narrowing your sessions by focus area. Offered focus areas include tools, monetization, global ecosystem, Best Practices and Group Think. Focus areas are shown as symbols next to session titles so you can quickly view which sessions align with your desires.
This conference is all about catering sessions to your individual needs. There’s no need to stick to one track or focus area – you can mix and match sessions to find your perfect fit. Register today and begin creating your tailored experience.
I encourage you to use the comment section below to leave feedback, questions, or just to say “hi”. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you at Elements in Seattle, WA! Stay tuned for more glimpses into Elements 2011.
Check out a recap of Elements 2010 in The countdown to Elements 2011 begins!
Source Intel AppUp Developer Program

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