Home Gear S2 / S3 Get Music Matching capability with “What’s that song” App

Gear S2 / S3 Get Music Matching capability with “What’s that song” App

Have you ever been out shopping, perhaps in a department store, and a song comes on the speaker system that you simply need to know what’s its title and who sang it? You need to have it? That happens to me a lot as a music lover and by the time I’ve fumbled my mobile out of my pocket, in order to use some music identification program like Shazam, Soundhound, or MusixMatch, the track has inevitably finished.
What's-that-Song-App-Gear-S2-S3-Smartwatch-Tizen-2Now, a new music matching app is available on the Samsung Galaxy App Store, that could help you with this elusive music matching task, named “What’s that song”. This is the first app that has been released for Gear S2 and Gear S3 devices that can identify a song that is being played. Once the song been identified it is saved as part of your history list. In order for the app to work you need an Internet connection, so it’s either a GSM or WiFi on your device or your smartphone.
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“Whats that Song” does a fairly good job of tracking down the track your listening to, in my case even being able to recognize little known Indian songs via my Gear S3. It has to be said that I do feel that the quality of the microphone built into the S3 does assist in its pin-pointing accuracy.
The app is created by the developer Mobiteka, who created Gear Navigator Companion, Gear Navigator Standalone, Car Assistant, Gear Places and others. Latest version is 1.0.1 and is a 1.68MB download

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