Home Gamer sets world record by connecting 444 consoles to a single TV, from the Magnavox Odyssey to the PS5

Gamer sets world record by connecting 444 consoles to a single TV, from the Magnavox Odyssey to the PS5


  • A collector connected 444 gaming consoles to one TV, earning a Guinness World Record.
  • His collection includes consoles from the 1972 Magnavox Odyssey to the 2023 PS5 Slim.
  • The setup uses 30 RCA switchers and over 12 HDMI switchers, with all cables neatly organized.

A video game collector has managed to connect a whopping 444 consoles to one TV, earning him a Guinness World Record title.

Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has hundreds of consoles in his collection, ranging from the Magnavox Odyssey, the first-ever gaming console released in 1972, to the PlayStation 5 Slim, released in late 2023.

He even set up an Excel spreadsheet that he can refer to when he wants to play a particular console. The document tells him which switcher he needs to turn on to display that console on the TV.

Speaking to the Guinness World Records, Al-Nasser explained: “I have so many video game consoles.

“After a while, I noticed that I had a big stack of gaming consoles that I couldn’t play.

“The TV ports are limited and if I wanted to play I could either unplug the existing console or I could keep everything and add more switchers and more converters.

“By adding more switchers, the idea came to my mind to connect all of the gaming consoles I have to the TV then contact Guinness World Records because this project is unique.

“It includes hundreds of video game consoles, all different from each other.

“All of the consoles require a special set-up and cable management as well.”

He has managed to plug together 30 RCA switchers, as well as more than 12 HDMI switchers, and connections.

Which consoles are connected to the TV?

His collection also includes some classics such as an Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Sega Genesis, and super rare consoles like the Super A’Can.

However, for Al-Nasser, one console stands out from the rest. “For me, the best gaming console of all time, number one always, forever, Sega Genesis,” he admitted.

Despite the huge number of consoles connected, the aficionado has managed to hide every single cable.

The record holder said: “I used all the tools available in the market in order to organize the cables.

“Also to have a set up that’s not only to play, it’s like a museum and that’s why this set up and this record took so much time from me.”

Featured image: Guinness World Records

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Suswati Basu
Tech journalist

Suswati Basu is a multilingual, award-winning editor and the founder of the intersectional literature channel, How To Be Books. She was shortlisted for the Guardian Mary Stott Prize and longlisted for the Guardian International Development Journalism Award. With 18 years of experience in the media industry, Suswati has held significant roles such as head of audience and deputy editor for NationalWorld news, digital editor for Channel 4 News and ITV News. She has also contributed to the Guardian and received training at the BBC As an audience, trends, and SEO specialist, she has participated in panel events alongside Google. Her…

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