HexDigger is a simple game written by me (Jakub Trávník). It can be played in single player and multiplayer mode.
In single player, you have to occupy all cells in least steps. You start with one cell in corner. You can gain new cell regions that border with your territory by selecting their color by clicking on colored buttons at the bottom.
In multi player game, the winner is the player who gains largest territory. You cannot select color which is currently possessed by your opponents. Fill button will help you fill territory which cannot be taken by opponents (useful at end of the game). The game can be player by up to 4 players.
Disclaimer: files provided here are without any warranty, even without any implied warranty where possible. They may destroy your device, delete all your data and ruin your life. They however work for me.
HexDigger Game is available under GPL v2 licence. See LICENSE file inside archive.
- hexdigger_0.3-1_all.deb – install this via application manager or “dpkg -i”. Icon will appear in Extras menu.
Source Jakub Trávník’s Resources