Tagged a new release of FunkeySynth for N9/N950. Main changes since version 0.12:
– Recording&playback of 16-sec loops
– UI for the 3 additional oscillators
– Support for algorithms (different routing for the oscillators)
Download the latest .deb from http://koti.kapsi.fi/~sh8dfwk/funkeysynth
For loop support, there’s a new record/playback button in the main screen:
Functionality of the button:
– Press once -> it goes to ‘ready for recording’ state
– Start playing the keys -> recording starts
– Press again to stop recording
– Now it’s a play button. Press to start/stop playback of the loop
– Long-press to clear the loop from memory. The button returns to the initial state
Another big update, a new screen for adjusting the additional oscillators:
For more information: Expr3ss Yourself