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An alternative terminal emulator for Harmattan (Nokia N9/N950) with a custom virtual keyboard. Started as an experiment because I felt the constant resizing happening with the normal virtual keyboard was annoying, especially with screen and irssi running on a remote machine. I think it might be useable enough for a public release.
- It’s beta. Features are missing and there are bugs.
- Binary only release for now. Haven’t decided yet whether it will be paid/free/open when it’s ready. The version released on this website may be freely distributed, but please link to this page if possible.
- The keyboard layout is what it is. Possibly configurable in later versions.
- Configuration files are at ~/.config/FingerTerm/
- settings.ini has some options not available through the UI (hopefully self-explanatory enough)
- it’s possible to add used-defined commands to menu.xml
- various terminal control sequence related bugfixes
- basic pan gesture support (pan left/right to change channels in irssi)
- some ui tweaks
- The first public release