A simple to use File Manager Application for Meego Harmattan (Nokia N9 / N950). Check out the video to see whats what 🙂
Also on the coming soon list for File Manager is the ability to allow you to view archives as folders and to ‘mount’ popular cloud storage systems such as Google Docs, Dropbox and Sugarsync as folders, meaning you can copy and move files between just as if they were on your phone.
Most mobile file managers are complicated and difficult to use. Take copying files, for example: First you mark files, then you are given a specific folder menu (completely different than usual file browsing) asking you where you’d like them to be saved. Then the files copy and if there are any errors you are given a generic error message like ‘Could not copy files’.
File Manager aims to bring the ease of use and functionality that one usually expects from a PC file manager into a mobile app. It uses a simple copy/paste methodology for copying and moving files, gives you detail on the copy process and if there are copying errors it lets you know and asks you what you want done next. You can rename files and folders, and easily see the type of files using intelligent filetype recognition. It even gives you thumbnails of any images in your current folder.
File Manager will also soon allow you view archives as folders and to ‘mount’ popular cloud storage systems such as Google Docs, Dropbox and Sugarsync as folders, meaning you can copy and move files between just as if they were on your phone.
Excited ? Yes I am !!!!
Update: Nik was kind enough to expand on the share feature that I wasn’t too sure about in the Video:
Regarding Share: this sends files to the Harmattan Share UI, allowing you to upload them to social networks or email, bluetooth or NFC them. The options available go by the lowest common denominator, so if you share only images you will be able to share to Facebook, Picasa and Flickr, if you select only videos you will get Youtube and Facebook, but if you select images *and* videos you will only get Facebook.
The most handy feature this can be used for however is to email, bluetooth or NFC documents and installers and other random files as these don’t generally show up elsewhere.
Source Nokia Developer . Thanks to @NikRolls for the heads up