Home Enlightenment Developers Day to be held at LinuxCon Edinburgh 2013 – Tizen

Enlightenment Developers Day to be held at LinuxCon Edinburgh 2013 – Tizen

LinuxCon Europe 2013 will be held this year at the Edinburgh International Convention Centre (UK). The aim of LinuxCon is to bring together professionals from different Linux backgrounds to collaborate together for the greater good of Linux. Interestingly enough there will also be a Enlightenment Developers Day on Sunday, October 20th, just before the actual event which will be focused on Developers who want to learn more about Enlightenment and Enlightenment Foundation Libraries’ (EFL) technology and where it is going.
EFL is used inside Tizen for the window and composite manager and many other applications. The schedule has not been finalised but there will be Sessions targeting EFL newcomers as well as the battle hardened developers.

The legendary E17 was finally released last year along with EFL 1.7, but development didn’t just stop there. Join the Enlightenment Developer Day to find out more about Enlightenment, including where it’s heading and how it can help you. This is the second Enlightenment Developer Day, sponsored once again by Samsung, and it will embrace a larger community; we have scheduled presentations and panels not only targeted at existing developers, but also towards users and as-yet-uninvolved-but-still-interested new developers. A dinner is planned for after the event.

To register to attend please click here, or add this event to your LinuxCon + CloudOpen registration form. The cost for the event is US$30.
More information can be found here:
– http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe/program/coloevents
– https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/enlightenment_developer_day_2013/

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