EFL/Elementary version 1.9.4 has been released. There are a total of 6 EFL bug-fixes in this version , ranging from GIF decoding bug fixes to fix of callback errors. Elementary 1.9.4 consists of 8 new fixes. The developers of EFL/Elementary stated that this may be their last release of the 1.9.x series dependent on how many back ports are needed prior to the final 1.10 release.
To avoid problems when switching from EFL or Elementary 1.9.3 (or prior) to 1.9.4 please ensure that header files and libraries are removed before installation of a new version. It is recommended that the libraries and header files are compiled in this order:
- Elementary
- Enlightenment
EFL itself stands for Enlightenment Foundation Libraries and is a powerful library aiding developers to program graphical applications , which can be based upon the OpenGL application programming interface to aid hardware accelerated rendering. Although EFL can be based upon several graphical engines.
If you would like to download the new version of EFL and Elementary 1.9.4 head over to Enlightenment.org to download version 1.9.4 and learn more about the fixes implemented.