Home Efl and Elementary 1.10.2 released

Efl and Elementary 1.10.2 released

The second stable release for update for series 1.10.x is out. It is strongly encouragedd for people to update to this release, to fix some security problems with the embedded copy of lz4.

EFL fixes

  • evas/textblock: check item’s type before returning result.
  • Evas textblock: Fix issue with edje fonts not being used. (T1331)
  • Evas/Textblock: Introduce PS deletion bug test and fix
  • evas/gl – fix to render grayscale with transparency format in gl backened.
  • edje: textblock style loading changed
  • lz4: fix possible security issue.


Elementary fixes

  • fileselector: Make selected_set actually select the file
  • Win: Delete “focused” and “unfocused” signals emission because they duplicate Widgets signals



efl-1.10.2.tar.gz 44acf012f0dd3b0c01bb2c5e53231076d7ed463166f581d22ef441b127e8c85f
elementary-1.10.2.tar.gz 48fcfbd66b90df8b21203307d66364fb1d773b3e979476116b2ad1a5eab67378


Building and Dependencies

If you have an existing EFL or Elementary install, it is suggested that you delete its header files and libraries before compiling and installing to avoid possible conflicts during compilation. If you are compiling the above, please compile them in the following order:

  • EFL
  • Elementary


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