Home Tizen Development Unit Programme is now Live!

Tizen Development Unit Programme is now Live!

Application developers can now get development hardware they can use for Tizen work. The Linux Foundation has gone Live again with the Tizen Development Unit Program and qualified Application Developers can get Tizen compatible hardware in order to Develop Tizen Applications. The Tizen Development programme available with the Intel NUC and Samsung RD-PQ is not a phone and cannot be used to make calls. It does not contain the features of a consumer phone since it is intended for developers who require physical hardware including a touchscreen.
The specification of the unit includes a Melfas touchscreen controller to be used by mobile device implementers, application developers and operators for the development of portable application software. The CPU of 1.2 GHz dual-core A9 chip and RAM of 1GB are bonded together. Tizen development unit comes with;
Graphics: Mali-400 MP
LCD Dimensions: 720×1280
Pixels: (58×103 millimetres)
WiFi / Bluetooth: BCM4330, 802.11a/b/ g/n MAC/Baseband/Radio with Integrated
Bluetooth 4.0+HS & FM Transceiver
GPS: SiRFstarIV GTD4T-9600B
Near Field Communication (NFC): NXP-44501 (no antenna)
HSPA+: Intel XMM 6260
Si470x FM Radio Receiver
Audio: Yamaha (C1-YMU823 aka MC1N2)
KR3DH accelerometer
AK8975: 3-axis Electronic Compass
L3G4200D low-power three-axis angular rate sensor
Camera chip: mbg043
Specific criteria must be met before an application developer can get a development unit. Only qualified applicants will be chosen since there is a limited supply of the unit. The application would be open from September 18 to October 17, 2014.
Source Tizen Developers

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