Home [Developer] Tizen DevLab coming to Bangalore and Mumbai in India for May 2015

[Developer] Tizen DevLab coming to Bangalore and Mumbai in India for May 2015

Following on from the successful Tizen DevLabs in London and Paris, we have some great news for developers as the Tizen DevLab Series is coming to India, well specifically to Bangalore and Mumbai. If your a you’re a novice or an expert, a programmer or an innovator then you are welcome to come along, you could even find yourself winning a Samsung Z1. If your Interested in:

  • Creating a mobile app
  • Porting over your existing mobile app to Tizen
  • Exploring the opportunities of a new app ecosystem



The Schedule for either event is as below.
*Please note: the schedule is subject to change.

10:00 AM Opening, participants’ check-in and breakfast
10:30 AM AM Introduction To Tizen, Architecture, App Development Life Cycle, IDE, Tools by Madhavi Akella
11:00 AM PM Building a Multimedia (Audio, Video, Image) App on Tizen – Code Walk through and Sample Execution by Suchin Chouta
12:00 PM Building a Location based application on Tizen – Code Walk Through and Sample Execution
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Building Moderate complex App based on above learnings
3:00 PM App Certification & Store Validation by Sangeeta Chowdhary
3:30 PM Networking & QA
4:00 PM Closing



In order to participate in the event, you will need to register in order to save your seat and participate in your preferred city’s Tizen DevLab. Hurry as Space is limited and you will need to receive a confirmation email at least one week before the event.


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