OK, hands up who wants to see the Tizen Common wayland image running on the odroid U3 development board?
Good, sit comfortably and we will begin. Phil from Eurogiciel has been digging into the finer points of getting Tizen Common running on the Odroid U3 board and so far has found it not totally a trouble free experience, but now its time to welcome you to assist with testing and feedback. To help you along the way there is some testing tools that are available.
Key Features
- The Powerful Linux Computer
- 1.7GHz Quad-Core processor and 2GByte RAM
- 10/100Mbps Ethernet with RJ-45 LAN Jack
- 3 x High speed USB2.0 Host ports
- Audio codec with headphone jack on board
- GPIO/UART/I2C ports
- XUbuntu 13.10 or Android 4.x Operating System
- Size : 83 x 48 mm, Weight : 48g including heat sink
- Package includes the main board and the heat sink
Install Tizen Common
from http://opensource.eurogiciel.fr/home/pcoval/pub/file/
Now the above is an oversimplified way of looking at things, but you can get the the full information from the Eurogiciel.fr site.
* https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/ARM
* https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Exynos
* https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/How_to_Build_and_Load_Tizen_on_Odroid_U3
* https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Quick_guide_for_odroid
* https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Common_QA
Source: https://dockr.eurogiciel.fr/blogs/embedded/author/pcl/
Testing Tizen:Common on Odroid
Copyleft: CC-BY-SA ~pcl + ~nze