Summer has officially come to an end, but there has been Tizen development being carried during September. Below is all the hottest Topics that have been making the rounds in the Developer mailing lists
Tizen 3 services: use case for multi user
The most actively discussed topic. The thread has started with Dominig ar Foll’s announcement of guides created to help developers cope with different multi-user use cases.
D-Bus bindings for Crosswalk, Crosswalk extensions in Python
Patric Ohly in a very detailed message announced availability of Cloudeebus, a JavaScript proxy for D-Bus, which will enable access to Tizen services from Crosswalk.
Gumd usage in building images
In the “multi-user thread”, Krzysztof Sasiak has raised an issue with user management during image building. Imran Zaman has split the discussion to a separate thread.
Bluetooth multi-user feature
Yet another follow-up to the multi-use thread by Corentin Lecouvey was about Bluetooth.
Orphan-packaging model
A question from Patric Ohly about a new development model for non-native packages. There are quite interesting answers in the thread.
Thanks to Łukasz Stelmach for compiling this information for the mailing list. More information on the Dev mailing list can be found at: