Here is the roundup of the most discussed topics that have been taking place in the Tizen Developer mailing list. Thanks to Łukasz Stelmach for compiling these out of over 500 messages that were sent!
Transferring files from and to a service.
José Bollo has noticed that some services, running as unprivileged users may have problems accessing files pointed by paths passed via API.
Call for feedback for a Candidate Tizen-Yocto based workflow
At the end of the month Dominig ar Foll presented Yocoto as an alternative tool for developing Tizen. A quite vigorous discussion has spawned which continued which was continued in December and allowed us,
who didn’t know Yocto yet, learn quite a lot about it.
Nameserver in connmanctl
Michael Johnson, has played with connman and wasn’t sure how it handles the nameserver configuration.
App Installer WorkShop Status
A discussion about App installation issues.
Discuss on NTB
Martin Xu started the next iteration of an ongoing discussion about the Bluetooth stack in Tizen took place.