Home [Developer] Help port Tizen on to the Intel Edison Development Board #INTELTIZEN

[Developer] Help port Tizen on to the Intel Edison Development Board #INTELTIZEN

Recently we have seen some great progress being made on getting Tizen running on different development boards lately, which includes the Odroid U3, MinnowBoard MAX, Renesas R-Car, Radxa Rock, A10S-OLinuXino-MICRO and A20S-OLinuXino-MICRO. Last week we started a Intel Galileo Gen 2 board giveaway, in an effort to get Tizen ported over to this potential Internet of Things (IoT) board.
This week we have another amazing giveaway, but this time it’s the Intel Edison board that devs can get their hands on, assuming they have relevant knowledge or experience to help port Tizen onto this board.
If you think you want to join the community porting efforts then please fill in the form below, letting me know what makes you a good candidate to have one? i.e knowledge of this architecture and porting experience etc. The decision will be made over the next two weeks with development boards shipping in the first week of January. Please share – hashtag #INTELTIZEN.

Key Features

  • Uses a 22nm Intel® SoC that includes a dual core, dual threaded Intel® Atom™ CPU at 500MHz and a 32-bit Intel® Quark™ microcontroller at 100 MHz. It supports 40 GPIOs and includes 1GB LPDDR3, 4 GB EMMC, and dual-band WiFi and BTLE on a module slighter larger than a postage stamp.
  • The Intel Edison module will initially support development with Arduino* and C/C++, followed by Node.JS, Python, RTOS, and Visual Programming support in the near future.
  • The Intel Edison module includes a device-to-device and device-to-cloud connectivity framework to enable cross-device communication and a cloud-based, multi-tenant, time-series analytics service.

    Application Form


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