The first stable update for the 1.11.x series EFL and Elementary has been released.
EFL fixes
- evas: Evas_Wayland_Egl – change size of common gl context after egl make current according to current Outbuf’s size
- evas: Evas_wayland_Egl – fix black surface during resize
- ecore_evas: Ecore_Evas_X – make sure that ecore evas post render is always called.
- fix efl deadlock with thread queues
- ecore_evas: Ecore_Evas_X – Fix broken rendering during rotation with resize (T1371)
- eina_file: fixing wrong return value on access problems in file copy process
LINK | SHA256 |
efl-1.11.1.tar.gz | efl-1.11.1.tar.gz.sha256 |
elementary-1.11.1.tar.gz | elementary-1.11.1.tar.gz.sha256 |
Building and Dependencies
If you have an existing EFL or Elementary installalation, it is advisable to delete its header files and libraries before compiling and installing this release in order avoid any possible conflicts during compilation.
Please compile in the following order:
- Elementary
If you have an existing EFL or Elementary install, you may wish to delete its header files and libraries before building the above.