Today we have news that Jolla will be presenting their first ever consumer device in a matter of weeks according to an interview with the website Taloussanomat
To the delight of Jolla or should I say Sailfish fans the device will be available for Preorders orders soon and also the release schedule will be announced but this will keep in line with the companies announcement of shipping the device (phone) this year.
Saarnio estimates that the phone is brought in stages to different markets. As a first step the phone is sold in Finland, where interest and fanikuntakin is the largest. Dinghy is in Finland for telecom distribution agreement with DNA.
According Saarnion Jolla able to make the first cell phone with present funding. Growth, however, more is needed. The new round of funding will start in June.
Antti Saarnion the case of a convertible bond loan program, which is aimed at institutions. The goal is to get the size of EUR 30 million.
Source Taloussanomat